April 2022 - It is not over yet
We made it through April... Barely. It has been the worst month in several years riddled with earnings disappointment and drama. Come check out what I feel about all this and how my portfolio is doing.
Do not panic: Even at the worst of times
Record level inflation, rising interest rates, and a Russian invasion have put the markets under stress - and even if you have managed to avoid the worst of it, stocks are still as volatile as ever. Investors are worried about the short-term outlook - But here is why you should stay invested for the long-term.
January 2022 - A tough start to the new year
Hi there! This is my first entry in my newly launched investment journal. I hope you like the new format! (if not, please tell me so)It has been a month of hardship as we have faced a market correction, but also one of opportunity for those who dare.